
ProSequencer update

Door: Edwin van het Bolscher, 7 december 2016 ProSquencer plugin voor 3ds Max van Jonathan Blok is gratis te downloaden van Scriptspot. De plugin maakt het mogelijk meerdere shots te editen op 1 tijdlijn.

Main Features:
  • Sequence camera shots and/or Statesets.
  • Deadline / VFB+ / Prism (former LPM2.0) integration
  • Adds a ‘Timeline Navigation Bar’ comparable to the one found in After Effects.
  • Easy preview and render functions, quickly create previews and setup renders from a clip’s context menu.
  • Token based render/preview system.
  • Does not get in your way when you are not using it, collapses to only show the time navigation bar.
  • Automatically set the camera’s wireframe color to indicate if a camera’s track is selected or if camera is active.
  • MaxScript access to the sequence data for integrating into existing pipelines and render managers.
  • Sequence data is saved in the max file itself in a non disruptive way. This means the scene will just open fine even when the sequencer is not present on the system.
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Over de auteur

Edwin van het Bolscher

Edwin van het Bolscher is founder, developer en hoofdredacteur van 3dhype.

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